Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Pancake Day!

Today is Pancake Day! Also known as Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday, it's a religious holiday meant to occur just before Lent. The idea is to feast on pancakes before fasting for Lent. I learned most of this from my Grandparents, who actually made me pancakes on Pancake Day when I was little, and continued to remind me of its existence as I grew up.

I'm not religious, but man do I love pancakes.

And, being a college student, I've learned a little bit about them. Meaning, the most basic pancake mix is cheap, only requires water, and lasts forever. Meaning, I've ate so many of them I might be turning into one.

But with that I've learned a few tricks, and I'm going to share my pancake knowledge with you. So here are some of my favourite recipes.

So as I mentioned before, most of the time I've got no choice but to use a basic store-bought pancake mix. However, THIS is a good basic pancake from scratch recipe to get you started.

I should also note, I don't include measurements because whenever I make stuff I just measure by how hungry I am. Directions for recipes always make you make enough mix for like eight people.

Blueberry - Oatmeal Pancakes

This was originally a waffle recipe, but I altered it to work for pancakes. Take your basic pancake mix and add:

  • - A pinch of Allspice
  • - A dash of vanilla extract
  • - Some unsweetened apple sauce
  • - Some maple syrup (yes it goes IN the pancake, not just on top!)
  • - A bunch of plain cooking oats, or instant oatmeal. (I used instant oatmeal, but the original recipe calls for cooking oats and I'm too cheap to know the difference.)
  • - And a bunch of frozen blueberries. (I imagine you can also use non-frozen blueberries, but I haven't tried it. You do it and let me know!)

Mix your spices and your oatmeal into your DRY pancake mix. Then make a hole in the center and add in your applesauce, maple syrup, and whatever other WET ingredients you need to make your pancakes. Mix it all together. Then let it sit for a few minutes, as it'll thicken up a bit. Then fold in your blueberries.

Now, your ready for cooking. Now, I don't really pay attention to instructions when I cook my pancakes? The box is always wrong, and it'll always burn em'. Your pancakes are ready for flipping when air bubbles appear on top, and the sides look brownish and kind of rounded off. Ok, that's a lot harder to explain in writing. You know what I'm saying, right? Keep practicing. You'll get the hang of it.

Soon you will be pancake master. Like me.

Bacon Pancakes

I know you've been waiting for this one. The one with meat in it.

Bacon pancakes are actually very easy to make, and have the perfect mix of sweet and salty. Also, two breakfasts totally makes a dinner.

Start out with your usual pancake mix. The only other ingredient you need besides that is bacon. I like to have my pancake mix ready before I start my bacon.

Next, fry your bacon to your liking. I've only ever used the strip bacon, and as far as I know the recipe only works with that kind. Does some brave individual want to try this with pemeal bacon? Try it and let me know.

Ok, set your bacon aside at the ready. Best to give it a minute to cool off, because you'll be handling it with your hands. Also, wash your hands.

Pour your pancake batter onto the frying pan, whatever your using. Then, take a strip of bacon and put it in the center of the pancake. Try not to burn your hands please. Push it down into the pancake with a spatula so its covered in batter, but not too far. You want it to be in the middle of the pancake. Turn your pancake over when it's ready, and cook as usual. Your bacon might cook a little extra when it's in the pancake, so if you hate crispy bacon keep that in mind when you're frying it.

Pumpkin Pancakes

You might remember I made these for Halloween. Well you know what, pumpkin pancakes is good all year round. Also I had a LOT of pumpkin pie filling left so I had to eat a lot of them. Be aware of that when you buy the filling. Maybe this would be good to make if you have any leftover from making a pumpkin pie or something?

Take your basic pancake mix and add:

  • - Canned pumpkin
  • - Ground cinnamon
  • - Ground ginger

Mix your dry ingredients into the dry pancake mix, then add your wet stuff, then add the pumpkin. The mixture will be lumpy and thick, so don't worry about mixing it too much.

Cook them a little longer than you would regular pancakes. They'll be a little mushy no matter what, especially in the middle, don't worry about it. They'll also be this cute orangey colour.

(Another good thing to mix that canned pumpkin with is oatmeal - which is perfect because you'll probably have leftover plain oatmeal from the blueberry pancakes. See, I just set your breakfast for the week.)

Other Good Stuff to Mix into Pancakes:

  • - Chocolate Chips
  • - Diced Apples
  • - All kind of frozen berries (this is especially good with syrup and whipped cream on top. I call it the "College Student Crepe.")
  • - Sliced Almonds
  • - Bananas
  • - Peanut Butter
  • - Yogurt
  • - Cereal (I bet flavoured Cheerios or Frosted Flakes would be good)
  • - Sprinkles (Hell, just go nuts in the desert aisle. If it fits in a regular cake, it fits in a pancake, I say.)
Other Good Recipes:

- Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancakes
- An Entire Website for Vegan Pancakes

I myself haven't tried all of these, so maybe y'all should experiment and get back to me? I am the pancake master. I am open to all questions and suggestions.

Happy noms my friends.
