Monday, 17 June 2013

What I Did for My Birthday!


June the 8th is my birthday, so last weekend I headed home to spend it with my parents and friends. I hadn't seen any of them since February, and it might be my last chance to be home until the Fall, so I made the most of my birthday, and tried to stretch it out for a week. I'm used to treating going home like a vacation, but this time it was really great! So here's my advice on how to milk your birthday for all it's worth.

I arrived home on THURSDAY, so my week really began on FRIDAY - and the first thing I did was GET PRIMPED. I got my hair done. But that's my first piece of awesome birthday advice: Go out and get something fancy done to your fabulous self - whether it's hair, nails, a massage or a full on spa treatment. FANCY AS FFFFffff-

On SATURDAY I went out for dinner with my parents. My apartment doesnt have an oven, and even if it did my cooking would probably still be pretty terrible, so being treated to something tasty and well made for once was great. So that's my second piece of advice - eat something good! And it doesn't necessarily have to be the usual cake if that's not your thing. Instead of cake I had a smoothie made with birthday cake flavoured vodka - delicious!

SUNDAY I met some friends for lunch and drinks, and we wandered around downtown London. They introduced me to some new vintage shops and Urban Outfitters. Even though there's a huge one in Ottawa I'd never been, and they had some pretty cool stuff! It was great getting to sit out in the sun and see my friends.

On MONDAY I chilled out. Anytime you plan a vacation or a big week anywhere, I say you should always plan a day where you just relax. Don't do anything. Don't spend any money, if you can. My apartment just has a standup shower, so I made use of the bathtub, and of the TV downstairs (another thing my apartment doesnt have). I watched Warm Bodies - and I loved it! I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who loves zombie movies OR well written love stories - or both, like me!

TUESDAY I went shopping with my mom, my sister, and my aunt - so it was a major girls day! Shopping is yet another thing I haven't had the chance to do in a long time. We also went for breakfast at Cora's, a place people have been recommending to me forever (being a breakfast for all meals advocate). I loved it, but the meals were a lot bigger than I was expecting! I got a banana and nutella crepe and it was bigger than my freaking head. Oh well, I never turn away leftovers!


WEDNESDAY I was hoping to go to the beach, but the weather just wasn't very good. So instead my mom and I went for tea and antiquing (yes I like antiquing leave me alone) in Sparta, a really tiny town not too far from St.T. The stores are neat and the tea is good and the whole town is very cozy. I actually most recommend going there in the fall, that's when they have the best stuff for homes and gardens, but spring is good too!

THURSDAY I got my bike out and went downtown St.Thomas to go thrifting, which is seriously the best thing to do in a small town. I don't know what it is, but small town thrift stores just have better stuff. No offense, big cities. I got some new mugs (which I compulsively buy at thrift stores), some CDs, and some books. I also finally visited the Art Crypt, a new (well, new to me, it's been there about a year now) tattoo and body piercing shop downtown, and took a look at some of the beautiful art up there. If you're in St.T, I thoroughly recommend taking a look!

FRIDAY ended up being a double movie day. During the day I went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness with my mom. She's a Star Trek fan and probably understood more of the references than I did, but I still loved it! I didn't like the first movie as much, but this one was awesome. Even if you're not a Trekkie, you should totally see it. Later on I met a friend for ice cream, and we went to go see Man of Steel. I like Superman comics, but I don't like Superman movies - but this one did a good job of capturing the comics and the cartoons and was a really fun watch. Lot's of explosions and buildings falling down and muscles and stuff. Totally cool with me for a summer flick.

SATURDAY was my last day before my train back to Ottawa, so it was another chill-out day. I had to bring back some clothes and stuff for summer, so I sorted through my closet back home and spent most of the day in the backyard sipping drinks under an umbrella.


Over all, this was all I could have asked for for a birthday week. I got to relax, have some fun, see my family and friends, and go pretty much everywhere there was to go back home. I was worried about trying to fit a summer of stuff into a week, but I realized the real key to this stuff is to relax - go with the flow and go with whatever comes your way. I had ideas for what I wanted to do when I got back but I tried not to plan anything for sure, so I always had something to do with lots of wiggle room.

I'm 23 years old now (but sometimes I still get ID'd) and I feel... pretty much the same. But I felt pretty good to begin with, so I guess that's a good thing!

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